
四季“平安” 小滿即萬全 見證你的精致,在萬千車流中熠熠生輝,更FUN的車生活,由此開啟。美國Argotec進口脂肪族TPU基材,有效抗劃傷,無懼鳥糞酸雨腐蝕滲透,有效提升漆面亮度,煥發(fā)本色光彩。
Witness your exquisiteness, shining in the thousands oftraffic, and a more fun car life begins.The aliphatic TPu base material imported fromArgotec in the United states is effectively resistant to scratches and is not afrald of corrosion and penetration by bird droppings and acid rain, it caneffectively improve the brightness of the paint surface and give it its natural luster.
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